Thursday, October 2, 2008

Making a good impression on the Internet

We will be studying how verbal and nonverbal communications are important in projecting an image that reflects who you are. A good impression counts just as much over the Internet as in a job interview, business meeting, and at a social function. Throughout the quarter, you will be gaining skill in interpersonal communications. This blog will help you polish your ability to present a good impression over the Internet through correct grammar and spelling, use of appropriate language, and presenting your thoughts in a clear, concise manner.

In your comments, use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Don’t even THINK about using text-message abbreviations! Hint: if you draft your comments in a Word document, you can take advantage of the spelling and grammar checks. Then all you need to do is copy your comment and paste it into the blog.

It goes without saying (but I’ll say it anyway), all comments must show respect for me and the other students. If you are unsure whether you should say something, if you should bother checking a dictionary, or if a remark may offend, ask yourself, “would a prospective employer still hire me if he or she found my comment when Googling my name for a job I really want?”

Between now and October 13, enter a comment on this post. You may enter several if you like. The goal is to be sure you are registered and able to participate on this blog before the formal blogging assignments begin in Week 3 (October 13 through 17).


Stacey said...


Joseph Janvrin said...

Hello Erica

regina marsh said...

Hello everyone!

Houa Xiong said...

Hello. I have log onto my account. It is very easy. I just get a new account at google so i just log onto the blog.

Megan Stackhouse said...


Angela Owen said...

Hello Erica and fellow students,

I love this class!


Angi H said...


Angi H said...

This is my 2nd attempt. This is fun!

Angi H said...

Hey, it's me again. I just changed my display name to Angi H so no one gets confused.

laurie said...

hi everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone!

Pascale D. said...

Hey Everyone!

Angela Owen said...

I found the meaning of quadroon...
Quadroon is someone of one-quarter black ancestry or of one-quarter white ancestry. A quadroon has a biracial (mulatto) parent (black and white) and one white or black parent.

Angela O.

Cassie S said...

Hello everyone.

mark.summers said...

I made it........

mark.summers said...

my second attempt.......

Unknown said...

Hello everyone

Unknown said...

It was easy for me to get onto the blogspot, because I already had a google account.

Unknown said...

Hello Erica! This is my blog!

Alyssa Presley said...

Hola everyone!

Unknown said...

Hello everyone, GO VIKINGS!

Anonymous said...

Go Vikings?

Desiree said...

Hello everyone!

Desiree said...

2nd attempt successful!!

Derek C. said...

Hello class

Ehumbert said...

Hi everyone

Natasha Haines said...

Hello Everyone

Jessie Sippl said...

Hello. I found it rather easy to join google and to get on blogspot.

ashley said...


ashley said...

hello again

Megan Stackhouse said...

Ok I have a nice conversation topic. Do you think that evolution should be the cause of our back pain today? I mean, we WERE walking on all fours once.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in evolution. I think our back hurts from bad posture. That's just what I believe.

alli asplund said...

Hi everbody, it'll be nice getting to know all of you this quarter.

Megan Stackhouse said...

Yes that's reasonable, and how did we get here then? If evolution didn't occur, how are humans the smartest living thing on earth as opposed to animals?

Anonymous said...

I'm a christian, and as a christian, I believe that we were created by God.

Unknown said...

hello there everyone

stacey said...

I read an article called "Wanting A Girl, Having A Boy" in a Parent Magazine. In this article a pregant woman talks about how she was looking forward to having a daughter that she could color and sing with, but instead had a boy. She was extremely devasted and thought that she wouldn't have a connection with her son who would want to play with guns and trucks. I believe gender really matters when it comes to being a parent, because I really wanted a boy, but got a girl. I sometimes still wish she was a boy.