Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week 6, Unit 5: Nonverbal communication

What does my office say about me?

Analyze the artifacts and environment of your room and answer these three questions: 1. What do these things communicate about who you are? 2. How do those things you own affect your feelings of comfort, identity and security? 3. What would be different if all of your personal artifacts disappeared?


Megan Stackhouse said...

Wow this is a cool topic...

My room is very organized. It is small, but full of me! I have bright yellow walls and a lot of pictures all around. The bright colors represent that I am a very energetic person that loves to try new things no matter how crazy they are. The pictures are a big part of me. I love to take photos of any moment at any time. I believe that it shows that I like to look back into the past and look forward to my future. The yellow walls affect my comfort levels in a positive way because it reminds me of me and that I should always be me. I still sleep with a stuffed animal. When I was younger, I always slept with one because my room was very dark and scary. The stuffed dog supplied me with comfort and security from the "monsters" and at the time, my room didn't really reflect who I was. The stuffed dog reminds me to stay calm in life but he always ends up on the floor. I'm not sure why but I think it is because I am more comfortable with myself as opposed to when I was younger. My pet fish is a symbol of child hood and it reminds me to stay curious and chase my dreams no matter what they are. All of my belongings are a symbol of me. It's just like how you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their shoes. Without the items in my room, I would obviously be bored. I wouldn't know how to express myself as much because they all reflect a part of my personality.

Pascale D. said...

My room is very unorganized!!!! I have a different room from a year ago because when I left for college my little sister took over my room, so now I stay in the “guest bedroom.” I like to say I’m an organized person but from looking at my room you would never guess that. I have clothes everywhere, on my bed,in my closet, on the floor, and draped across various other things. I think the clothes symbolize me because I LOVE clothes and shopping. I also tend to try on a lot of different outfits before I go somewhere, hence them being everywhere in my room. I also have a few blankets that my grandma has made me, they are significant because she made them especially for me when I was younger. They also helped when I was feeling scared because I would just wrap up in one of them and think of my grandma. It helped me to just chill out. The walls in my room are a cream/off-white color, but I like it because it’s simple and I like things to be simple and straightforward. I also like to paint and take pictures so I have those hanging up and just chilling around my room too. The pictures are of my family and friends so it shows that I like to be surrounded by people I care about. The paintings kind of show how I was feeling that day, you can tell if I was angry or having a good day. I also have a bookcase full of books, because when I get the chance I like to read, and my room is perfect for it. My room is also pretty big, open, and full of light, that’s good because I like to have my space and I am a fairly open person. The things in my room symboize who I am and what I like to do with my time. If all of it just disappeared, I would be angry and bored, but I could always start over.

stacey said...

My room is extremely organized. I have a canopy bed with blue lace wrapping around the bed, which makes me feel like a queen back in the castle times.I always wanted one growing up. Being in my room is very claming for me. I have picture frames with certain sayings in them that remind me to keep going and to never give up. I have pictures of my children hanging up also. If I were to take certain things out of my room it probably wouldn't feel like home or have the same affect. I wish my room was bigger, but it still fits almost everything in there that I need.

Angi H said...

It depends on which room of my house you are asking about. In my house I tend to have a different theme for every room. My favorite room in my house would be my office. The walls are covered with Wisconsin Badger stuff. Everything from penants, posters, clocks and yes, even a scoreboard. I feel these things represent what a fanatic I am about the Badgers. If these things were to disappear I would be lost. It has taken me many years to collect these items and to lose them would like losing a part of myself. Most of my Badger stuff has either a story or some kind of significant memory attached to it.

Jessie Sippl said...

1) My things around me right now communicate that I am obsessively anal; everything it’s in it’s exact place, and it is straight. My file cabinet is neat and straight, my bulletin board is straight and not cluttered, my bookshelf is categorized and alphabetized. My space also says that I live with a man though because on the other side of the room is another desk with a computer completely devoted to racing games; you can see this by the steering wheel and gas pedal attached to the desk and the load of game cd’s cluttered on the desk.
2) These things affect my feelings of comfort because I know exactly where everything is. If I need something, I know the exact place to go to find it, and that’s comforting for me. It affects my identity because I really am pretty anal. My whole house screams that about me and it drives my boyfriend insane because I have specific ways to do laundry, dishes, vacuum, you name it.
3) My house would be empty. Although my house is kind of a personal artifact, so I’d be homeless. And probably pretty sad.

Cassie S said...

One thing some people may first notice in my room would be the bookshelves. I have two of them in the bedroom. (That doesn’t include elsewhere in the house) The books and magazines in my room show that I like to read…a lot. The room itself could use some organizing and portrays that I am not always a very neat and organized person. If I am in the room, I can guarantee I am not alone. Usually, there is an entourage of furry four-leggers to accompany me. The dog toys show that I have animals and am an animal lover. Also, the array of horse magazines, books, pictures, artwork, etc shows that horses are a very big part of my life. Without the books, the horse items and dog toys, cat fur, it would no longer be my room. They make me feel secure since those are things that have been in my life for years and they represent the things that are some of the most important aspects of my life. If all of my personal artifacts disappeared I would be at a loss. There would be nothing in the room that represented me and who I am. Nor, would there be anything of familiarity to provide me with my own sense or comfort and security. I would never give up being able to look out of the window of the comfort of my own room and seeing my horses grazing beneath a sunset. Now, the dog and cat fur on the bed…I may be able to get over that.

Natasha Haines said...

My room is large and and it has horse pictures all over since I love horses. I am big into hunting and I have a print for a series called the Mountain Man that my dad and I bought at our National Wild Turkey Federation Banquet. I have a bedroom set that my great grandfather made by hand. I believe that this shows my love for my family. I have stacks of magazines, books and a bunch of other things that symbolize that I always have to be doing something. I have all of the important things scattered all over the place such as my four proficiency awards I won at the local level of FFA(Future Farmers of America) for the training and care of my animals. Right above my bed is all of the stufed animals I have and in the middle is a bear my godmother gave to me when I was real little and it still has a significance to me by just being one of the first things you see when you enter the room. I am comfortable in my room and I believe that it shows who I really am. It shows what I like to remember about my past but also has space for everything I want to acomplish in the future. If all of this disappered I think I would be lost and I definently would get depressed becasue everything that is important to me is in my room.

mark.summers said...

My bedroom is very organized to start with, thanks to my girlfriend! So I really only have one artifact in my room that I can say is truly mine, which is my black box of keep sakes. In this box I have some random pictures of us partying at some bars, ticket stubs of previous movies we have seen together, also Mall of America’s underground aquarium memorabilia. My box also has my back up wallet with my social security card so in case I lose my real wallet I can easily start over. It gives me a sense of comfort to know that I have a back up, but to be honest I would rather lose both my wallets then any of my personal items because I could never replace those memories that I hold so dear. That my friends is my one artifact that is currently in my room.

Ehumbert said...

My room is very plain. I have a bed, a dresser, a self full of books, a cage for my sugar gliders and possibly more depending on the time of year. The books and cages probably speak the most about me. My books are either informational focusing on caring for this or that animal or they are fictional. It says that I am an animal lover and maybe that I am a bookworm. The cages also say that I love animals and that I’m probably a little crazy. I don’t think they really affect my feelings of comfort or identity. If they weren’t there I would still love animals. The artifacts have no real influence on my personality. I also don’t think anything would change if they weren’t there.

ashley said...

My room is just the way I want it. It is very messy but yet I know where most things are. When I clean my room I feel like I can't find things again onced they are moved. The things in my room show who I am and what king of perosn I am. I have lots of pictures in frames, and other belongings that mean different things to me, good and bad. I love my things and show who I am, which is a very outgoing person and that I love all the colors of the rainbow. My room is very colorful and very full of different things. If all the stuff in my room disappeared I would feel empty and alone. That something was my fault that they dissapeared. I wish I could put it all away in a safe so that nothing could ever happen to it but at the same time I look forward to going into my room every day and seeing all my belongings.

Unknown said...

I'm not a very organized person so my books are spread out throughout the room. I've just moved here and had to leave alot of personal items behind, so when I look at my space I see a new beginning, a chapter and as I grow my space will grow with me.

laurie said...

My room communicates many things about me. It is a salmon color which to me is very calming.I have a log bed and pictures that reflect the African safari, so if I really need to I can pretend that I am far away. I also have glass knick-knacks tht my children have given me as gifts.I believe that my room communicates that I am calm, like the exotic things and that my family is important to me.I like feeling that when I am in my room that I still have the things that I value close to me, like the statues from my kids.I am very comfortable in my room and the bed and pictures give me a sense of security because of their familiarity.If all of my personal artifacts disappeared I would still be the same person but it may take someone else a little more time to figure out who that person is.

Anonymous said...

My room is messy, it show's how "lived in" it really is. I'm somewhat of a hermet, I thrive in my room. I have shelves and shelves of DVD's and books, and my fish tank, and papers strewn all over my desk, and clothes all over the floor. It shows that I have mess in my life. That my life isn't perfect that there is things out of place. My door is my security. It is always shut, never open. This shows that I'm a pretty private person, I don't like people digging into my personal life, or trying to fix the clutter that's there. If all of my belongings disappeared it would be fine with me, I'm not a materialistic person, it's just stuff after all. I guess if something had to be different, it would probably show that I don't care about things. That I have no feelings toward other things. That everything is nothing to me and at the same time nothing means everything to me.

Desiree said...

One of my favorite rooms in my house would be my living room, which is open to the kitchen another favorite. I think the things that I have in my house communicate that I am a calm, loving, caring and some would say an old soul. I have a lot of antiques and things that other people would call junk but to me are treasures. When I walk into my home I feel like I am at “home”. It is a very comfortable and serene place. I feel very secure when I am at home, especially when I am around my things. A lot of things that I have in my home has been given to me by very special people in my life and it reminds me of them and puts a smile on my face when I see the things. I do consider my home my sanctuary. If all of my things disappeared I would be lost. Especially if they were never returned to me, it just makes me sick thinking about it. I moved back to my parents for a period of time last year and I had to put everything in storage except for a few things, It was a very sad day for me. Everyday when I would drive by that storage shed I would feel horrible knowing all of my stuff was locked up in there. The day I moved and unpacked everything was the happiest time! It felt like Christmas!!! I believe that my belongings make me the person I am. Everything pretty much has a story behind it.

Alyssa Presley said...

As I look around my room, the closest thing to me are my guitars and a bunch of scratch paper with bits and pieces of songs and music I've written. The walls of my room are green and my door is covered with tons of ticket stubs, movie memorabilia, pictures, drawings, and various other artifacts. I have a large framed reproduction of Salvador Dali's painting "The Persistence of Memory" hanging in front of my bed so it's the first thing I see when I wake up. I think all these things represent me to be very creative and overall a person who follows the beat of a different drum. I like having my pen, paper, and guitar near me at all times in my room, because whenever I get an idea and spark of imagination for a great song I know I can capture it for later reference. It makes me feel secure to escape from what's going on around me and envelop myself in my music. I think I would be completely lost if all my belongings disappeared. I would probably go crazy if I didn't have my guitar to play after a long day at school!

Houa Xiong said...

I have just move from La Crosse so the room I am staying right now does not has that many thing that belong to me. I have with me my ipod and the ipod player. These equiptment represent me as na individual that loves music and the music are the thing that comfort me. If I woeld not have ipod with me I will feel kind of wierd and uncomrtable. About a week ago, I went back to La Crosse and left my ipod there. i couldn't sleep because there is not much to do.

Meghan said...

My room is very organized. It is small, but full of things that remind people of me! I have a lot of pictures of family and friends that make me smile and happy, and that remind me that I have a great life and a lot of special people in it. I also have a my laptop that has a lot of music which I am enjoy, and music is a lso a big part of my life, I try to sing also in church at christmas and in my room like all the time! I a lso do all of my homework in my room/ workroom but, also do some work on the couch which is a lot more comfortable for me! And that is pretty much what is in my room, music and pictures that is my life!!!

Joe cornell said...

My room is very clean and with few items I have the bed tv and dresser with a beige rug in the center of the floor my walls have a blue haze to them with lots of family photos around the room, these items show that im very organized and have a deep relationship with my family. My family gives me comfort and the feeling of safety. If I were to lose my photos I would definitely be lost entering my room, they are the first and last thing I look at entering or leaving my room.

regina marsh said...

My room is very very messy, with stuff scattered every which way. I know where everything is, most of the time.My carpet is a light blue, which is a calming color to me. I have dark blue curtains with thunderbolts covering my windows because I cannot sleep unless my room is absolutely dark. I have a few pictures of wolves around my room, which represent a part of me which will never be tamed. My room basically describes who I am. If I lost everything, I would have to start all over again of finding out who I really am.

Unknown said...

My room is not very organized it is actually very cluttered with things thrown everywhere so it doesn't really set a good example of who I am because I am a very organized person, although if I am looking for something in my room I know exactally where it is. My room and whole house is covered with pictures on the walls and picture frames set up everywhere with pictures of my kids and my boyfriend, because that is my life. I also have pictures of my cat who is no longer with me as a rememberance of the past and how much she meant to me.