Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week 10, Unit 7 Communication & Emotions

Describe one situation in which an irrational fallacy did or continues to debilitate you. Identify two ways you might challenge that fallacy. Some irrational beliefs could include perfectionism or fear—see your textbook for other examples that could apply to you. Your textbook also identifies ways to change, such as monitoring.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Week 9: Presentations and Thanksgiving

Again, because you are all working on your presentations, there will be no blog assignment this week. The weekly blog assignments will resume on December 1. Have a happy Thanksgiving holiday!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Week 8, Focus on Presentations

I am sure you are all so busy practicing your cross-cultural presentations that I’m giving you a week off from blogging!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week 7, Unit 6: Listening

Reflect on a time when you wished that you would have really listened. Describe the situation, and then explain the result of not listening effectively. What would you do differently now?

For example, you may not have listened carefully to your boss at work, and the result was that you did a project incorrectly. Now you know you listened in a defensive manner to your boss, and in the future you will guard against this type of listening by listening attentively.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week 6, Unit 5: Nonverbal communication

What does my office say about me?

Analyze the artifacts and environment of your room and answer these three questions: 1. What do these things communicate about who you are? 2. How do those things you own affect your feelings of comfort, identity and security? 3. What would be different if all of your personal artifacts disappeared?